Twitter's Top 10 things for Newbies
You've heard the entire ruckus about Twitter, but never
really got what it was all about. You watch TV every night and see all those
words prefaced by You've heard the entire ruckus about Twitter, but never
really got what it was all about. You watch TV every night and see all those
words prefaced by “#” at the bottom of the screen and can’t figure out why they
are there. This post is for you.
Twitter, beloved by the news media, celebrities, sports
stars and politicians, is planning to go public with an IPO that cloud raise $1
billion. But in documents filed related to those plans, Twitter disclosed that
its audience base is at about 218 million monthly active users. That’s smaller
than Facebook’s 1.1 billion or Google+, which has 500 million registered users.
Much of that, analysts say, is because Twitter is a harder
nut to crack for many people. So, for today, let’s take a good look at 10 ways
to use Twitter effectively:
- Sign Up
Head to over,
register and select a screen name. You new Twitter
name will be prefaced with an @ sign. Add it to your e-mail signature so people
know to find you on Twitter.
- Find people to follow
Twitter is
nothing until you start building a network of folks you is interested in
hearing form. Are you a news junkie? Start by getting the news feeds from your
favorite news organization, whether that is Express Tribune, CNN, or BBC,. Then
go deeper, by following individual reporters as well. Most post not only their
own latest updates, but also tidbits and news bites from elsewhere on the Web.
Beyond the news, check out your favorite friends, athletes, politicians,
musicians, comedians, movie and TV stars. But a word of auction there. Most of
the famous folk hire staff to pen their posts, known as tweets.
- Write up a bio
Let people know about you, with a short, one sentence blurb
about yourself, whether that be that you are the CEO of My Company, sales
associate for MyRealEstate or a Seattle
mom with thoughts on hauling kids. And be sure to include a photo a photo,
because a photo is associated with your posts in the Twitter feed.
If you don’t ass the photo, an image of a little egg in a
yellow box will show up in your tweets instead.
4. Learn how to write
in 140 Characters
The art of tweeting requires the ability to be concise.
Everything you say needs to be in 140 characters or less – no exceptions. So
you need to shorten words with slang, “sez” for “says,” “2” for “two” “w/” for
“with”, “+”, for “and”.
- Use hoshtages in your posts and
The hashtag symbol - # - is what’s used to search for
“trending” topics, whether that be “#governmentshutdown” or “#meteorwatch” or
simply, “#JustinBieber”. It’s a tool to help you find what you’re looking for
on Twitter, and has since been
adopted by Facbook as well.
- Don’t just promote
RT and MT. Rule NO.
1 of the successful tweeter in that it’s all about you. It’s good to use Twitter to promote whatever you’re
working on, but Twitter works best
when you can tip articles from around the Web to your follower. You can do that
with a straight link, or retweeting others (essentially, re-posting someone
else’s tweet - signified by an “RT”). The MT, or modified tweet, is when you
copy and paste a link that somebody else posted, and comment on it as well.
Share well, and you will get more followers.
- Get response from companies with a
Many businesses are now all over Twitter to monitor what people are saying about them. You might
have better lucj getting companies like Verizon to respond for a rep on the
phone. Hotels, restaurants, airlines will see what you post, and respond in
- Tie your account to Facebook
It’s easy to pair your Twitter
activity with your Facebook account, so you don’t have to double the effort.
Just go to Settings (the gears tab on the right) and go to the Profile section
to add Facebook.
- Direct messages
On Twitter you
can communicate directly in private messages, but only with folks who already
follow you. So be sure to follow your friends you want to DM with, and get them
to respond in kind.
- Add photos to your tweets
Text and a link are great, but let’s face it, everything
looks better with visuals. The images show up as link, but they’re worth adding
at the bottom of the screen and can’t figure out why they
are there. This post is for you.
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