At times,
social networking and news websites get boring and
you need a change. Mash these two up and you've got a fascinating new
timer-killer. “7 Problems Only People with Glasses Understand’ “18 Microwave
Snacks you Can Cook In A Mug”, “23 Things That Could Only Exist In Silicon Valley”.
Although this “social news website” owes a large part of its success to the
ambushing (and sometimes very useful) lists, they feature a wide array of
subjects. The site has everything from international news to cute pictures of
animals. Celebrity scoops, the latest on your favorite TV shows, creative
ideas, photographs, jokes quizzes, videos – you name it and BuzzFeed’s got it.
All the posts are sorted into different sections like OMG, LOL, Cute, Fail and
so on. Want to know what the buzz is about? Go ahead and see for yourself, and
don’t miss the ListiClock browse mode.
Following a book TV show or a movie is one thing, and
participating in the world of related fanfiction (fiction written by fans on
the character and/or plot of the original work) is totally another experience. is the place for all your fanfiction needs. Pick a show, book, a
cartoon or some comics, and chances are that you’ll find tons of stories
written by other people of that fandom here. You can browse through the
elaborate lists and filter the results by genre, characters, length and rating,
If you’re sad that a series has come to end try its fanfictin, some of them are
so well written that the line between them and the original stories will be
completely blurred and you’ll get lost in an extended fictional world. As if
this wasn't enough, people are also mashing up two different universes, for
instance characters and elements from the magical world of Harry Potter and
Once Upon a Time (TV series) crossing over in one story.
The site provides a good list of some of the best apps,
games, plug-ins and tweaks for all you techiles out there.
maintains a specific list of over a hundred
software for different platforms,
Linux, Mac, as well as
smartphones and
tables. It is a
must-visit if you use any electronic device or gadget that runs any of the
above mentioned operating systems. And a lot of what’s featured there is
available for free. It also lists the best portable apps and hosting services.
This link is full of goodies and will come in handy on multiple occasions.
Want to delete one or more of your online accounts?
JustDeleteMe makes the process easier for you by giving direct links to delete
your accounts from a variety of popular web services. The site also ranks and
color codes different online stores, communities and
social networkingsites on
the basis of how easy it is to remove a personal account and information form
it. Instagram, Scrib, Hotmail and all the ones marked in green let you delete
your account without any hassle. However the process gets tricky as you move up
the difficulty scale from yellow rated Watsapp and LinkedIn to red rated sites
like Skype and Etsy. And then there are those with that dreaded black colored
impossible rating, sites from where it is almost impossible to remove a
username or account, for instance Evernote and Pinterst. JDM can’t do much
about those but it does give you the next best alternates for them.
This site is great for medical students as well as ordinary
people. It’s one of the most popular and comprehensive sites that internet
inhabitants resort to when they need any sort of medical information. WebMD has
informative articles, facts, advice and tips and almost every imaginable health
related topic. You can read about medicines and drugs, find out more about a
disease or a condition, and update yourself with the latest happenings and
advancements in the medical world. You can even type in specific symptoms to
see what could be causing them, and while this can be useful, it is not a
substitute for seeing a real doctor! Users can subscribe to their newsletters
and can even chose specific topics according to their interest.
OneBigPHoto is chock-a-block with high quality photos that
are tagged and organized in easy-to-navigate categories. So the next time
you’re bored and feeling uninspired, browse through one or more of these
galleries and you’ll feel refreshed in no time, thanks to the brilliant works
of photography that capture life and nature (as well as man-made wonders) in a
brilliant in Human Hands and “Amazing World of Cats”. You’ll also find a
variety of urban as well as rural landscape photos, and examples of awesome
long exposure photography.
What this site basically does is create cool visualizations
of tweets. You can define what kind of tweets you want by entering any twitter
search operation on the home page. You can specify the tweets to be included on
the home page. You can specify the tweets to be included on the basis of
#hastags, &mentions, username and keywords. You can also choose between the
three creative animation available: tag cloud, letter by letter and rotation. This
can be a great tool to use for fun (for instance what kind of messages are
people sending to a celebrity after a certain even) pr even in a presentation
to show the audience what people from around the world are saying about a
particular brand on Twitter.
If you’re a fan of Pakistani dramas, TV shows movies and
music, head over to ShobizSpice. The site has all the desi entertainment news,
reviews and features. You will also find on location stills, behind the scene
photos, celebrity interviews, facts and trivia, updates on upcoming projects
and a list of genuine twitter handles of Pakistani actors and singers, but do
watch out for parody accounts and importers!
Small Demons is a social site targeting people who enjoy
reading. Users can create and share Pinterest-board-like collections of their
favorite books, as well as places, things and people from books. Pick a book ,
person (real or fictional), thing or place you like and start discovering where
it can take you, you’ll be surprised. Here I’ll quote the website creators’ own
words: “Everything placed into a book is there because it means
something….Here is where you begin to discover what they can also mean to you”
A cheat is a concise set of notes used for quick reference
(not the one that students use in exams). Get all the cheat sheets you’ll ever
need at one place. This website has a list of links for heaps quick reference
sheets and guides on one webpage (Ctrl+F is your friend). Programming
languages, software online services and all the IT related topics that you think
ought to have a cheat sheet, are most likely to be present in the list. You’ll
also find quick reference cards released to different areas of mathematics and
science. Say goodbye to bookmarking individual cheat sheets and head over to
this site whenever you need one.
This post its really cool!! the list of the sites make a creative minds becomes more creative as it has lots features on each site to make different changes of a social media networking or even want to have a creative fanfiction where we can find our favourite cartoon animation or book and comics and for those who want to maintain their applications or software that we used try the makuseof site nevertheless for those addicted to photography one of the site can give the best pic with a great sense. For social networking mania they can also delete any of social media at once by using one of the site without giving you many times to delete the accounts one by one last but not least was rather cool was the reading site which spoil the readers who are a reading addict and find some useful health and many resources in one of the site list above.
Do you know any good website about jquery slider which should be licence free download ?
Thank you very much Nia Nash for your comments about my post..
Jade carter I would like to share a website with you that enables you to create jQuery image sliders without the need for any coding. Simple select the images to be shown in the slider, choose a slider design from various templates and click a button to generate the complete HTML code for publishing.
Website URL:
thanks for the answered its really useful information.
Your are welcome.
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