World’s first Human Brain-to-Brain Interface prepared
Friends I believe you must have
watched or heard about fiction movies. To be very honest whenever I watch this
sort of movie, it’s over my head just like an air craft. I don’t understand
what technology they are introducing in science fiction movies. If you see the
history of an invention, first human thought the idea, then write its theory,
theory phase can be long for some years or decades depending on the theory. In
the last practical is performed. Friends
it means there are three phases of invention, first idea, second theory, third
practical. In this era technology breakthroughs are at full swing. Every research
group is striving to catch up innovations. Recently in University of Washington
a group of researchers experimented human brain-to-brain communication
experiment with the help of some equipment.
Brain-to-brain communication or
interface means I will imagine an action, other person will do it. Friends why
you put your hand on your head? Oh I see, my post is over your head. Ok let me
tell you the entire information about this technology.
In August, 2013 Rajesh Rao, a University of Washington professor of computer science and engineering and his partner Andrea Stocco, a University of Washington research assistant professor in psychology at the University of Washington’s Institute for learning and Brain science and other team members worked on Human brain-to-brain interface technology and demonstrated it in the UW. Results were positive. Rao was sitting in the lab and Stocco was sitting in a campus away from Rao without a screen in front of him.
Rao was wearing a helmet type cap
with electrodes connected to Electroencephalography
also called EEG machine. “This
machine reads electron activity in the brain and also used in hospitals for different
types of tests”. On the other side Stocco was wearing a cap like swimmer wears
and it was directly placed over his left motor cortex, this part of our brain
controls the hand movement where Stocco placed the cap over his head.
Stocco’s cap was marked with stimulation Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation coil also called MTS. Friends this device make the brain to send desired command for an action in the body parts. It is very useful device. Other team members were connected on skype to observe the experiment.
Rao was looking at computer
screen where a computer game was in front of him and he imagined that he moved
his hand to press space bar button to fire in the game. His imagination was
recorded by EEG and sent to MTS. In result Stocco’s index finger press the
space bar button to fire and Rao saw a fire happened on his screen.
So friends did you notice Rao
sent imagination command to do something for Stocco and in result action
In coming years I suppose this
technology will be strong enough to use for different types of tasks.
Thank you very much friends.
This is Awesome....<3<3<3<3<3 :-)
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